Chemoscience is officially the Authorized Distributor for PAC AC Gas Chromatography Solutions in Singapore.

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Congratulations to Chemoscience & PAC!

We are pleased to announce that as of 26th January 2022, Chemoscience is officially the Authorized Distributor for PAC AC Gas Chromatography Solutions in Singapore.

Chemoscience is well poised to take this leap forward with the experience gained from being the Physical Properties and Elemental Analyser distributor for around 4 years.

This synergistic collaboration between PAC and CSS will give our customers comprehensive coverage from sales to aftersales service and support. PAC engineers’ years of experience and expertise will support the newly set up Asia Technical Support. In contrast, Chemoscience offers flexibility in product packaging with our extensive laboratory offerings.

If you have any inquiries, please feel free to contact your PAC or Chemoscience representatives; we will be there for you.

For inquiries:

#ChemoscienceSG #Chemopharm #PACAC #GasChromatography #OilandGas #Everlife