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For over a decade, Novaerus has been providing medical-grade solutions that address a global problem; unhealthy indoor air. Indoor air is the culprit for many virus-based illnesses, bacterial infections, asthma, allergies and a host of long-term health issues.

Led by a dedicated and highly skilled team of scientists, we took a fundamentally different approach to air dis-infection, which led to the transformational discovery of NanoStrike – the unique, patented technology at the core of all Novaerus portable air dis-infection devices today. This nanotechnology inactivates all airborne microorganisms on contact providing the first line of protection against viruses and bacteria.

Utilizing NanoStrike technology, Novaerus air dis-infection devices help to prevent the spread of infection in thousands of hospitals, senior living facilities, IVF clinics, dental offices, schools and homes around the world.

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