StatStrip® Lactate and StatStrip Xpress® Lactate Systems

Nova StatStrip lactate meters for screening, diagnosis and management of sepsis, septic shock and trauma patients. Single-Use Lactate Biosensor Test Strip.

StatStrip lactate advanced technology now enables simple, rapid, and accurate assessment of Sepsis by finger stick capillary blood sampling at
the point of care.

– Fast 13 second results.
– Easy operation make routine screening.
– Serial testing of lactate practical in any department that treats critically ill patients.
– Routine screening of lactate allows for immediate detection of serious illness such as sepsis or septic shock.
– Serial lactate testing allows goal directed therapy to enhance effectiveness of therapy for sepsis, septic shock and other critical conditions.
– Time to normalize lactate, which requires serial lactate analyses, gives an indication of cumulative oxygen debt and an ultimate prognosis in sepsis, septic shock and other illnesses.

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